Tattooing and Anarchy by CherryCola


Who Me?
Tattoos I Did in This Life
Contact Me
Who Me?

This is the page where they want to know more about me. Who?


Yeah, my photo sez it..fuzzy outlook on life. So, I'm over 30! Is it really your business?

I lived in New Orleans, Riverside, Florida, Gatlinburg, TN , Salem, Mass, and recently resided in Old Philadelphia.
I started drawing and painting at age 8 under the tutalage of my father(Clint Collins)and some of his associates(Tom Bostelle, Tom Cash).I had the luxury of growing up around VERY intelligent folks.

Home 'town' at dusk

Sometimes I really missed my home world..uh, I meant home town, yeah, town. An-ways, I loved the fuschia skies at night, this is where I got my name. My parental unit named me after the skies at Dusk.

Compulsions and Addictions

The Matrix,'As Good as it Gets', 'Labyrinth' Ralph Bakshi's 'Wizards'

Tigers, Big Cats, chinese crested dogs,eBay,Luxury Shopping

Tattooing, in North Philly, in Gatlinburg,

Italian and French baroque furniture, Art Deco

designer's haven

Favourite Musics.....

Skinny Puppy, Sisters of Mercy, Led Zeppelin, techno ambience, Enigma, Essra Mohawk, Smashing Pumpkins, Johnny Cash

techno ambient music